

Method of continuous improvement to evaluate, direct and compare projects carried out. This method involves a participative workshop with users and allows opinions to be gauged, shared and focused.

Innovation phase


Activity type

  • Analysis





Level of involvement



4 to 10


Recruit users of the project, the activity or the strategy to be evaluated. Ideally, mix direct and indirect users to generate an in-depth understanding of the topic.

Operational team

One general leader - one secretary


The location should comprise two rooms fitted with tables and chairs

Materials required

Felt-tips, flipchart, Post-it notes,


Collective and constructive discussion of a project, identification of clear post-project direction.

Important points


  • Draw up a project activity report listing details for each of three key aspects: objectives, achievements, results.

  • Invite relevant users to the workshop and send them the project activity report to read
  • Update the various tools depending on the project


Collective reading of activity report

10 min

The participants list and annotate the activity report individually


60 min

The participants are invited to put forward their evaluation of each project objective, achievement and result, completing the 'Evaluation' area of the grid (see 'Evaluation/capitalisation' worksheet)

  • In two groups, the participants write their comments on Post-it notes and place them on the grid in the 'Evaluation' area.
  • After 40 minutes the two groups combine and discuss the various points put forward.
  • The secretary notes the entire discussion.


50 min

The participants are invited to suggest good practices or solutions for improvement in relation to each evaluation point by completing the 'Capitalisation' area of the grid ('Evaluation/capitalisation' worksheet)

  • The two groups exchange grids.
  • Each group uses Post-it notes to write suggested good practices and solutions for improvement related respectively to the strengths and weaknesses suggested by the other group.
  • After 30 minutes the two groups combine and discuss the various points put forward.
  • The secretary notes the entire discussion.


50 min

The participants are invited to suggest a model for the future project by completing the grid ('Direction' sheet)

  • Collectively, and based on the previous points in the grid, the participants discuss and answer the questions in the 'Direction' grid.
  • The moderator leads the conversation and summarises the suggestions, which he writes on the grid.
  • The secretary notes the entire discussion.

Transmission of results

  • Send the report on the workshop to the participants
  • Send a satisfaction survey to the participants (See 'Satisfaction survey' worksheet)
  • Produce an article about the workshop