Rejuvenate urban markets
The role of markets is central to the economic and social activity of towns. With their variety and direct impact on the vitality of retail districts, they have a real positive effect on the appeal of towns. Key actors in towns must make sure that markets remain dynamic and oversee their coherent, organised development within the region. Let's rejuvenate urban markets together!
Outdoor trading
Markets have always shaped our towns and punctuated their activities. They are the most ancient form of structured trading, and are the source of our economic culture. Initially organised as places of supply, they went on to become communities in their own right, places to talk, to meet, to share.
Recognising professions in their own right
The establishment and management of a market, whether administered directly or managed by a third party, requires talent and multiple skills to juggle, especially, monitoring pitch allocation, rent collection, any fines, the management of warning notifications, questions related to logistics, equipment and events, and the adequacy of the supply of goods and services to the customers frequenting the market. Alongside this, the job of street vendor is gradually becoming more professional, more regulated. Increasing thought is being given to raising awareness and the provision of information and training in relation to this job.
The market, a testing ground for new uses
With the development of new consumer trends, markets are reinventing themselves daily in order to rejuvenate themselves and to deal with different customer expectations. 'Their opening hours have changed, increasingly favouring early evenings and weekends. And they differ by location, too, reflecting customer expectations.' So it seems that there are as many ways of creating and organising a market as there are markets around the world.
But then, with such a potential impact on the region, how can you participate actively in rejuvenating urban markets?
By creating places that promote social, economic and regional cohesion
So, public authorities, market managers, street vendors... Take a stand and adopt the 'Market' strategy:
- We create synergies between markets and retail districts
- We participate in recognising and professionalising the job of street vendor.
- We devise and try out new uses
- We develop the intelligent specialisation of markets
- We work to achieve the international image of the region by promoting urban markets
*Benjamin Wayens, Pourquoi & Comment Mieux penser les marchés à Bruxelles (Why & How to think about markets in Brussels)
To achieve this commitment, we have set up an innovation cycle in four phases