Method for determining personas. In marketing, the persona is a fictional character, representing the target audience of a brand or project. It is useful to understand the client's experience before defining the ideas or projects to be developed.
Innovation phase
PositioningActivity type
- Convergence
- Idea generation
- Idea generation
- Prototyping
2/5Level of involvement
From 1 to 5Profile
Users who are familiar with the issue and the beneficiaries of the projectOperational team
1 moderatorLocation
Meeting roomMaterials required
Paper, post-itAdvantages
Important points
10 minParticipants are invited to make a list of personas for future projects to be developed
Définition des personas
30 min per personasUsing the "persona" tool sheet, the participants describe the different characteristics of each of the personas and repeat the exercise until all the personas on the list have been defined.
- The moderator asks the questions
- Participants discuss the answers together to converge towards a common vision.
Transmission of results
- Cleaning up the "persona" sheets
- Layout of "persona" sheets